Since 2009, the continuing education services of the two institutions have been combined into a single entity with the aim of developing a greater number of synergies.
Our mission is to contribute to economic, social and cultural development as well as full employment by facilitating the transmission of academic knowledge to the professional world via continuing education. More specifically, our role is to:
- Encourage and promote the creation of university continuing education programmes in the specialised fields of the UNIL and EPFL
- Adapt the range of continuing education programmes available according to needs at regional, national and international levels
- Ensure that the continuing education programmes offered satisfy quality criteria and academic regulations
The bodies of our Foundation are:
- The Board of Trustees
- The Executive Board
The Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees, which administers and manages the Foundation’s assets, is composed of the following four members:
- Jan S. Hesthaven, Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs, EPFL, Foundation Board President
- Annalisa Buffa, Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education, EPFL
- Frédéric Herman, Rector, UNIL
- Jérôme Rossier, Vice-Rector, Human Ressources, UNIL
The Presidency of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees is assumed alternately by a representative of UNIL and a representative of EPFL.
The Executive Board
Our Executive Board, delegated by the Board of Trustees, supervises the Foundation’s operational work, and is composed of the following three members:
- Jérôme Rossier, Scientific Director UNIL
- Annalisa Buffa, Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education, EPFL
- Pascal Paschoud, Director
Statutes and Internal Regulations
The Internal Regulations of the Foundation define our organisation and activities.
The Statutes govern the functioning of the Foundation.