Eager to learn more about the program? We invite you to join us for a series of webinars exploring Industry Challenges and potential CO2 Emission Solutions. Register for the webinar here
Target audience
Industry and energy professionals seeking to acquire the skills and tools to build sustainable energy systems and accelerate the energy transition.
A good technical background in engineering and/or mathematics is essential as advanced data analysis and modeling techniques are widely used in the programme.
Ready to build an efficient, innovative energy future?
To meet the goal of limiting temperature rise to max. 2°C, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) advises cutting human-caused CO2 emissions by about 45% compared to 2010 levels by 2030. Ultimately, emissions need to reach “net zero” by 2050. The key to a successful energy transition is to view the entire value chain as an integrated system. This requires highly skilled professionals with advanced scientific knowledge, strategic thinking skills, and the ability to take a comprehensive approach to sustainable energy systems.
EPFL and HES-SO are jointly proposing a new Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering. The programme aims to prepare individuals for driving innovation, fostering renewable energy adoption, and implementing sustainable systems and practices across various industries through an interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates engineering, environmental science, and decision-making science.
- Analyse and measure the complexity of energy systems, their interaction with the environment and the efficient use of resources
- Apply holistic and systemic approaches to the design and implementation of rational energy use, conversion and management solutions
- Acquire tools and methods for implementing decarbonisation solutions in industrial processes
- Develop the capacity to look at energy related aspects with a holistic perspective encompassing the environmental and socio-economic dimensions of sustainability and a life cycle thinking
- Model and design urban energy systems by integrating renewable energy resources and decentralised productions with a multi-energy approach
- Adopt a systemic approach to the integration of renewable energy resources and decentralised productions in the power grid infrastructure
- Conduct a real-world industrial energy transition case, applying sustainable energy systems engineering while using a holistic approach
Cursus & Certification
Step 1:
Participants of the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering begin by completing four Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes (in any order), each lasting six months and covering vital aspects of energy systems:
- CAS in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering: Industry Decarbonisation (February 2025 – July 2025)
- CAS in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering: System Modelling (September 2025 – February 2026 / Dates to be confirmed)
- CAS in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering: Urban Systems (February 2026 – July 2026 / Dates to be confirmed)
- CAS in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering: Electric Power Systems (September 2026 – February 2027 / Dates to be confirmed)
The programme combines face-to-face and asynchronous online teaching.
Step 2:
Participants then complete an individual MAS research project. The goal is to apply sustainable energy systems engineering to a real-world industrial case using a holistic approach.
Title obtained
Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering delivered by the EPFL, 60 ECTS credits. Consult the Academic Regulations
Industrial Projects Call for Proposals
If your organisation (public or private) is looking to implement an industrial energy transition project but lacks the necessary resources, you are in the right place. Sponsor and host a participant to lead an industrial project within your company!
Contact us for more information:
- Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering (IPESE), School of Engineering (STI), EPFL, Switzerland
- Institute of Sustainable Energy, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland
- Energy Center (CEN), EPFL, Switzerland
Program Academic Directors
- Prof François Maréchal, Head of Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering group, EPFL
- Prof. Manuele Margni, Institute of Sustainable Energy, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
Steering Committee
- Prof. François Maréchal, Head of Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering group, EPFL
- Prof. Manuele Margni, Institute of Sustainable Energy, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
- Prof. Gaëtan Cherix, Director of the School of Engineering (HEI), HES-SO Valais-Wallis
- Prof. Sophia Haussener, Head of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering, EPFL
- Dr. Yasmine Calisesi, Executive Director of the EPFL Energy Center
- Rigas Hadzilacos, Deputy Executive Director of Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL
MAS Academic Leadership
- CAS Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering: Industry Decarbonisation Prof. François Maréchal (EPFL) & Prof. Jessen Page (HES-SO)
- CAS Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering:System Modelling Prof. Michaël Aklin (EPFL) & Prof. Manuele Margni (HES-SO)
- CAS Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering:Urban Systems Prof. Claudia Binder (EPFL) & Prof. Jakob Rager (HES-SO)
- CAS Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering:Electric Power Systems Prof. Mario Paolone (EPFL) & Prof. Fabrizio Sossan (HES-SO)
For academic questions:
Dr. Jean-Marie Fürbringer, Program Executive Director of MAS, DAS and CAS Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering
Practical Information
Course venue
- Online
- Onsite: Energypolis, Sion, Switzerland
Course fee
40 000.– Swiss francs*
* Payment in instalments possible
Admission requirements
EPF or HES Master’s degree, or another degree (in a field related to the program) deemed equivalent by the Steering Committee*
*Exceptionally, candidates who do not meet the above requirements may be considered for admission, provided they can demonstrate a sufficient level of qualification with another engineering degree in a relevant domain and at least 5 years’ professional experience in the field.
Those interested in taking the MAS must register for the CAS programs. Registration for the MAS is only possible once the four CAS programs have been completed.
In the media
- Energies go Green, article (in English and French) published in the EPFL magazine “Dimension” on March 14, 2024